
Why Your Team Inbox Needs Metrics and Reports

You use metrics and analytics in many aspects of your day-to-day life. Whether it is used to monitor your company website, the number of steps you average in a day, or screen time on your phone there are metrics for pretty much anything nowadays. Based on these numbers, you likely adjust your work or personal habits to meet set goals. After all, Metrics help make decisions and optimize performance. So why not have metrics for your team inbox?

Why monitor your team inbox’s performance?

Simply put, by getting reports and metrics for your team inbox you can begin to optimize your team’s workflow and performance. As a result, analytics allow you to paint a better picture of how your team is doing and what steps management may need to take to strengthen your team.

Analytics reveal the truth about the inbox’s performance, from the departments, teams and individual users. Furthermore, metrics allow for your team to have quantifiable data of their performance and what changes need to be made or what is working best. It should also be noted that analytics may highlight issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

How to get Reports and Metrics for your team inbox

Emailgistics allows you to get metrics and insights into your team inbox’s performance allowing with many other email management tools. However, our reporting tools track metrics by team inbox, user, and date range, and time period; providing insights to inform training decisions and fine-tune schedules.

With Emailgistics you can view reports on…

  • Mailbox performance
  • Mailbox closed performance
  • User performance
  • Users closed performance
  • Mailbox domain performance
  • Open messages detail
  • Alert detail
  • User schedule overview

The reporting feature provides graphs as well as allows users to export the data into Excel.

Furthermore, Emailgistics allows you to get real-time data on your team inbox using a customizable dashboard. To learn more about how you can optimize your team inbox using Emailgistics book a demo here.