

Why You Should Be Using Auto Replies

Auto replies have become an important tool for many businesses. As the name would suggest, auto-replies are messages automatically sent following an incoming email. Most commonly used for out of office, vacation, or holidays. However, there is much more you can do with auto-replies. Let’s talk about the importance of auto-replies and how to manage them for your team mailbox with Emailgistics.

Let’s set some expectations

Auto replies from a team mailbox can help set an expectation for customers after sending you an email. With auto-replies, you can provide valuable information to the customer and even manage their replies. It is unrealistic to answer inquiries as soon as they come in — that’s where auto-replies come into play.

Auto replies are used to communicate that your team received an email and set expectations for a response time. Setting these expectations helps to avoid multiple follow-ups and phone calls from the customer. You may want to consider including additional information in your auto-reply such as the estimated response time. Additionally, you may also want to offer an alternate email address in your auto-reply for serious inquiries is important as well. Here’s an example:

For urgent inquiries, you can reach sales representative Jim on 123-456-7890 or send me a personal email at [email protected]

You can also direct your customers to more self-serve options on your website/portals if applicable. Providing a detailed auto-reply for your customers can elevate their need to send multiple inquiries.

Customizable Replies

Here’s an example of how you can customize auto-replies and set response/resolution times. With this email, your customer knows that your team received the email and is provided with a timeframe on when to hear back. Auto replies set a continuous form of communication with your customer even when you’re away.

How to Manage Auto Replies

Now that we know the importance of auto-replies, let’s talk about how to put it all in action and manage them. With Emailgistics, you can customize team mailbox auto-replies and add personal touches to these replies through different variables available to you. Emailgistics can also send automated responses based on any condition you set in our rules, including inside/outside the mailbox schedule.  

Want to learn more? Check out this knowledge base article on our website.