Latest News from Emailgistics

Emailgistics is providing its SaaS team email management solution free until the end of June to all new customers to improve team inbox collaboration in Microsoft Office 365 for people compelled by the Covid-19 virus to work at home.

Toronto, Ontario – March 23, 2020 – In response to the large numbers of employees currently working at home due to the Covid-19 virus, Emailgistics Corp today announced that it is offering its team email collaboration sorftware free to all new customers until the end of June 2020.

Emailgistics is designed to enable effective collaboration for teams working in team email inboxes within Microsoft Office 365. It does this by streamlining and automating workflow, providing detailed real-time and historical reporting data, and offering a comprehensive yet intuitive set of management tools for business managers.

Business emails require team email management

Quoting Henry Lach, CEO of Emailgistics: “Employees working from home need to coordinate, especially now, their team emails during the current Covid-19 crisis. For teams handling significant volumes of inbound email, and especially in situations where it’s important to keep to strict service level agreements for email responses, the ability for Emailgistics to help manage team email workflow is indispensable. In the absence of inbox collaboration tools, organizations run the risk that either nobody will respond to a message, or more than one agent will send potentially conflicting responses to the same inbound message. Either of these can lead to customer frustration and damage to reputation. We are pleased to offer Emailgistics for free until the end of June to help people working in remote teams from home during this unprecedented and challenging time.”

Flexible, scalable solution to supercharge team inboxes in Microsoft Office 365.

Toronto, Ontario – February 19, 2020 – Emailgistics Corp today announced the general availability of its self-named Software-as-a-Service solution. Emailgistics is designed to enable effective collaboration for teams working shared email inboxes within Microsoft Office 365. It does this by streamlining and automating workflow, providing detailed real-time and historical reporting data, and offering a comprehensive yet intuitive set of management tools for business managers.

Huge numbers of business emails require new team email management

Quoting Henry LachCEO of Emailgistics:  “Business emails continue to grow in volume and need better team management, with 130 billion business emails sent every day. For teams handling significant volumes of inbound email, and especially in situations where it’s important to keep to strict service level agreements for email responses, Emailgistics tools to manage team email workflow are indispensable. In the absence of inbox collaboration tools, organizations run the risk that either nobody will respond to a message, or more than one agent will send potentially conflicting responses to the same inbound message. Either of these can lead to customer frustration and damage to reputation.”

Rapid and Seamless Outlook integration with Microsoft Office 365

Taming the chaos of the team inbox

Emailgistics is designed from the ground up to integrate seamlessly into Microsoft Office 365. With over 120 million Office 365 users, Microsoft is the leading email platform for business. With Emailgistics, agents continue to work in the familiar environment of Outlook, with team inboxes displayed as folders in the Outlook folder structure.

All messages stay in Office 365 which means onboarding to Emailgistics is quick and straightforward, typically accomplished in fifteen minutes or less. The direct integration of Emailgistics with Office 365 leverages the trust companies have in Microsoft’s security.

Management reporting functionality

Reporting within Emailgistics includes configurable multi-gauge dashboards, displaying real-time information about the performance of the whole team and individual agents; there are also multiple reports built into the solution that enable detailed analysis of performance over time.

Tools to manage the workload of individual agents

Workflow routing features provided in Emailgistics enable administrators to set various rules for automated distribution of incoming messages to team members, and to manage the workload of individual agents. One key feature is to link an ongoing conversation to an agent to help reduce the cognitive burden of the team overall.

Emailgistics is available now directly from the company’s website or through the Microsoft AppSource Marketplace, where Emailgistics is the only Microsoft partner providing a team inbox collaboration solution. Emailgistics offers a free 14-day trial.

Have A Question?

Our general support hours are from Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST. Email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 (888) 502-1250 and select Option 2 for Support.

Emailgistics FAQ

An Office 365 exchange shared mailbox and a Windows 10 machine. If you currently use a regular user mailbox to manage inbound shared email, follow our documentation to convert to a shared mailbox.

The member of your organization with Global Administrator credentials for your Office 365 server. Global Administrator access is only required to configure mail flow settings during the initial onboarding.

PowerShell version 5.0 or higher on a Microsoft Windows machine. Emailgistics uses a PowerShell script for part of the onboarding process.

No. Emailgistics layers directly overtop of your Office 365 shared mailbox so you can maintain your email history and current messages in your inbox – no importing necessary!

It’s simply an enhanced Office 365 shared mailbox. In addition to the standard inbox folder, a shared mailbox with Emailgistics contains individual user folders, which makes ownership of customer emails crystal clear among users and provides managers with the visibility they’ve always wanted.

While a license is not required for a shared mailbox, adding one would allow for more storage space in the mailbox. An unlicensed mailbox will allow 50GB worth of mail to be stored in it, while a licensed mailbox will allow 100GB worth of mail to be stored in it.

Your IT team should have a process to automatically purge old data from your mailbox to avoid running into any limitations due to the storage space being exceeded.

A user is any account that is synced in Office 365 Exchange to one or more shared mailboxes that have been onboarded to Emailgistics. A typical user without any additional privileges will be able to work and reply to incoming emails for any shared mailbox they are synced with. Additional information on user roles can be found here.

There is no minimum total user requirement, but Emailgistics was built to manage shared mailbox teams with multiple users.

Emailgistics makes it easy for you to add and remove users. In the Emailgistics Admin Center click the {USERS} option from the left panel, underneath the list of users will be a button that says Sync Users with Office365.

When you click on that, it will ask you to download a PowerShell script. The PowerShell script will adjust any changes made for users in O365 and reflect those changes in Emailgistics. This will need to be run by your Global Admin of Office365.

The add-in is not mandatory, but the add-in will supercharge your mailbox to a whole other level and enhance the Emailgistics experience.

Here’s why you should be using the Add-In