SLA Management & Message Auditing

Module 4: Searching and viewing conversation History

With Conversation ID History, you can look into the past with comprehensive message detail logging and metrics. It’s easily accessible via the view history button in the Emailgistics Outlook add-in. 

Clicking the view history button opens a new window that includes the Conversation fundamentals, the Conversation Details and the Conversation History. 

  • Conversation Fundamentals: A numbered sequence of emails in the conversation, a list of activities that have occurred in the conversation; and a list of the Emailgistics workflow rules that have been triggered by messages from the conversation.
  • Conversation Details: An at a glance report card for the conversation with information that includes: start date, state (open, closed, snoozed), owner, age of oldest open message, average reply time for messages in this conversation, the number of incoming and outgoing messages. This can be viewed both from the add-in and history window.
  • Conversation History: An audit trail with complete details on when messages in the conversation arrive, are assigned to a user, get replied to, snoozed, closed or received comments.

The Conversation History also includes weblinks for messages. Message subjects in conversation history activity listings can now be clicked to open an Outlook web message window. All normal Outlook message functions are available from this window, including Reply.